The Green

The green is 29.5 metres wide by 44 metres long 


In 2018 the greens management team developed a radical new approach to the way the green is managed moving from the traditional chemical base approach to one of introducing into the sward environmental friendly biostimulants and natural fertilisers. We continue to be happy with this approach and have expanded our programme so that we are treating the green with a range of bio stimulants throughout the calendar year. Research suggesting that if the green is in a healthy condition disease in any form will not get hold to any detrimental degree and whilst we still have an outbreak of the brown patch fungus Fusarium we no longer carry any form of control to eradicate the disease.  We continue to monitor Fusarium outbreaks closely to see what  if any  mitigation such as over seeding in the spring may or may not be required. So far the sward has recovered quickly in the spring at no cost to the club.

On alternate weeks the green is either verticut or spiked with a sorrel roller. Deep spiking down to five inches is carried out around four times a year.

Although we currently have enough volunteers to satisfy the work requirement members are still encouraged to put themselves forward for this essential program of works.